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AWE - Aviation and Women in Europe FAQs (frequently-asked questions)

Category: Main -> Using this site -> Submitting articles, pictures, videos and other contributions

·  I would like to publish my pictures in the Gallery. How should I do?

·  I would like to submit news to the site. What should I do?

·  How can I propose links to interesting sites?

·  I would like to propose an article for publication. What should I do?

·  I have a nice video to propose for publication. What should I do?

·  I would like to publish my pictures in the Gallery. How should I do?

You must send an email message with an attached zipfile (max 2Mb) to gallery@aweu.org.
Zipfile must contain pictures, whose filename (not too long please!) should match a significant description.
Our staff, after a thorough check, will publish the pictures in a dedicated album of the Gallery.
Publication is subject to our Terms of Use. For this reason o­nly contributions originated by registered users will be considered.

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·  I would like to submit news to the site. What should I do?

After logging in as a registered user, just click o­n Submit News in Regulars & Columns menu o­n the left side and follow instructions.
We suggest to head the news with a significant title (not something like "Read this!"), attracting attention of the reader. In the "Article lead-in" textbox, a sort of abstract, a concise phrase describing article's contents should be entered. In the "body text" textbox the full contents of the article should be written.
You can use HTML code in the textboxes, but not all tags are allowed for security reasons. At the bottom of the page a caption contains all allowed HTML tags.
We remind you that News are essentially short pieces of text: if you wish to submit a long text we suggest you to write an Article and submit it to our staff for publication.
As any other contribution, news submission is subject to contents verification operated by our staff and is ruled by our Legal Terms. For this reason, o­nly submissions originated by registered users will be considered.

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·  How can I propose links to interesting sites?

Any registered user can propose addition of a link.
Just access Web Links section and click o­n "New Link": a form will appear, and you must fill relevant fields such as URL, description and category.
Our staff will check the link and publish it in the relevant category, creating o­ne if none is applicable.
As any other contribution, links submission is subject to contents verification operated by our staff and is ruled by our Legal Terms. For this reason, o­nly submissions originated by registered users will be considered.

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·  I would like to propose an article for publication. What should I do?

Just send an e-mail message to articles@aweu.org including article's text (as an attached MS-Word file or plain text) and related pictures (if any).
Our staff will check the article and publish it in the relevant section of the site.
As any other contribution, article submission is subject to contents verification operated by our staff and is ruled by our Legal Terms. For this reason, o­nly submissions originated by registered users will be considered.

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·  I have a nice video to propose for publication. What should I do?

Just send an email message with an attached zipfile (max 2Mb) to gallery@aweu.org.
Our staff, after a thorough check, will publish the pictures in a dedicated album of the Gallery.
Publication is subject to our Terms of Use. For this reason o­nly contributions originated by registered users will be considered.

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