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Leadership Development for Women in Aviation in South Africa
Posted Aug 02, 2010 - 04:05 PM

AWE Announcements

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“The world's women are nearly as educated and as healthy as men, but are nowhere to be found in terms of decision-making,"
Saadia Zahidi, World Economic Forum- Davos summit January, 2010

Why Should You Attend?

If women are catching up with men in almost all facets of life, why can’t you breach the gap to destiny fulfilment in the Aviation industry? We all clamour to get ‘there’. Are you working towards becoming an echelon in the industry? Be an agent to promote and deal with change; reinvent your career and find the incline to the development of women in the Aviation industry.

The Leadership Development For Women In Aviation, Africa  (LDWAA) conference scheduled for the 17& 18 August, 2010 will feature nationally recognised speakers who share their wisdom and expertise o­n a wide range of personal and professional development topics, helping you find clarity o­n your goals and what you need to accomplish them.

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