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Can I convert a Non-JAA professional license to a JAR license?
Posted Apr 07, 2006 - 01:03 PM

Aviation and Women in Europe Following the many requests we have researched and here publish a guideline:

A license issued by a non-JAA State may be converted to a JAR-FCL license provided that an arrangement exists between the JAA and the non-JAA State.

JAR-FCL 1.1015
Acceptance of Licenses, ratings, authorisations, approvals or certificates

JAR-FCL 1.1016
Credit given to a holder of a license issued by a non-JAA State

(a) An applicant for a JAR-FCL license and IR, if applicable, already holding at least an equivalent license issued in accordance with ICAO Annex 1 by a non JAA-State shall meet all the requirements of JAR-FCL, except that the requirements of course duration, number of lessons and specific training hours may be reduced.The Authority may be guided as to the credits to be granted o­n the basis of a recommendation from an appropriate training organisation.

(b) The holder of an ATPL(A) issued in accordance with ICAO Annex 1 who meets the 1500 hours flying experiece requirements o­n multi-pilot aeroplanes as PIC or co-pilot of Appendix 1 to JAR-FCL 1.1015 may be exempted from the requirements to undergo approved training prior to undertaking the theoretical knowledge examinations and the skill test, if that license contains a valid multi-pilot type rating forthe aeroplane to be used for the ATPL(A) skill test.

JAR-FCL 1.020
Credit for Military service (see Appendix 1 to JAR-FCL 1.005)

JAR-FCL 1.025
Validity of licenses and ratings (see JAR-FCL 3.105)

Appendix1 to JAR-FCL 1.1015
Minimum requirements for the validation of pilot licenses of non-JAA States

Appendix 2 to JAR-FCL 1.1015
Conversion of a PPL issued by a non-JAA Member State to a JAR-FCL PPL

For more information: JAR-FCL1


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