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Congratulations to AWE member Ruth Bagnell: the youngest Quality Manager!
Posted May 17, 2006 - 04:52 PM

AWE Announcements

A graduate of University of Limerick, Ruth Bagnell is the youngest Quality Manager of a Part 145 organisation in Ireland. She graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering in Aeronautical Engineering in 2003 and was quickly snapped up to become Engineering & Planning Manager of Airlink Airways. In 2004, she was the Technical Services Manager for the same airline.

Ruth completed courses in JAR OPS and EASA regulations over the past number of years. She found herself with an in depth understanding of the regulatory system and a keen eye for non compliances. After being involved in many thorough audits and approval processes, she found herself drawn towards Quality Assurance.

Ruth Bagnell
Ruth Bagnell

Aero Inspection Ireland Ltd. (AII) was set up in 2004 and Ruth became involved from the outset. At the time, Aii were involved in ad hoc work including non-certified borescoping of engines. Ruth set about putting together an MOE and proposal to the Irish Aviation Authority with her as Quality Assurance Manager (QAM) for recognition. In 2005 AII was awarded EASA Part 145 approval and she became the youngest and o­nly female QAM accepted by the Irish Aviation Authority. Approved to borescope engines including CFM56, CF6, PW4000, JT8D, JT9D and RB211 series, this company operates o­n a global basis.

Quality Assurance Management involves the development of company procedures to ensure compliance with current regulations. It also means conducting monthly audits to ensure personnel are complying with procedures and that all facilities are in place to prevent any compromise to safety.

Currently Ruth also works for Eirjet; an Irish start-up charter airline. Employed in the Technical Services Department she is responsible for maintenance planning, aircraft records and the day to day technical issues that arise with a fleet of Airbus A320 aircraft. Even with two jobs, Ruth has found time to sit her Part 66 exams and plans o­n applying for a FAA A&P Licence in the near future.

Again Congratulations o­n your accomplishments!

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