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AWE on a Fact Finding Mission
Posted Aug 23, 2006 - 11:25 AM

AWE Celebrates European Aviation Many young women are evaluating potential careers in aviation and aerospace. They are trying to determine if opportunities truly exist for them. We need to help them evaluate the realities.

This fact-finding mission is to determine the female statistics of aviation professionals in Europe as well as in each country. Please take a few minutes to answer these important questions.

1.   How best to work in a male-dominated environment?
2.   Are you an aviation/aerospace professional?
3.   What was your most difficult obstacle and how did you succeed?
4.   How do you handle rejection?
5.   How did you handle/avoid discrimination?
6.   How did you balance work and family?
7.   Describe your career path to date? 
8.   How did you make your career move forward?
9.   How are you passing the enthusiasm forward, to inspire other women in aviation?
10. In which aviation associations do you participate?
11. Which o­ne(s) have provided you with benefits?
12. In what way? Have specific accomplishments resulted?
13.  In what aviation events have you participated?
14.  In what way? When and Where?
15. What trends do you see in your segment of the aviation industry?
16. Do you have any military aviation experiences to share?
17. ATC?
18. Any female mechanics and engineers in your company? How many? How are they treated in comparison to male mechanics?
19. Any female meteorologists in your company? How many? How are they treated in comparison to their male counterparts?
20. Female Search and Rescue? Fire-fighting? Flight dispatch?
21. How many female corporate pilots/airline pilots do you have as colleagues?
22. Is there a total absence of women in a certain sector, and why?
23. Is there a field where there are mostly females?
24. What effective strategies in present or future situations must aviation women surmount to confront a sexist world?
25. What are you expecting from AWE?
26. Do you wish to get more involved? Any level of contribution is helpful and appreciated by all.

Please send ideas and proposals.

Improvement can never occur without critical examination of the past. Such examination never blames people for mistakes. We o­nly honor those who had the courage to take o­n huge challenges. It’s time for our important group to begin serving the job-related needs and professional aspirations of young women in aviation.

Other comments?

May we publish your replies o­n the website?


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