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TANNKOSH 2009: Europe’s premier sport aviation fly-in almost ready for show time
Posted Jul 24, 2009 - 02:29 PM

AWE Celebrates European Aviation

by Kent Misegades, EAA 520919

July 9, 2009— TANNKOSH, Europe’s largest fly-in for sport aviation, takes place this year July 17-19 at the Tannheim airport located at the foot of the Bavarian Alps in the Allgäu region of southern Germany. Hosted for many years by the Tannheim Flight School, owned by the popular brother and sister aerobatic duet of (Red Bill pilot) Matthias and Verena Dolderer, the 2009 event promises to be better than ever.

With a format similar to EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, TANNKOSH ’09 offers more than a dozen pilot forums, nearly 100 vendors and an air show that features the best Europe has to offer, from historic vintage airplanes and warbirds, to homebuilts, unlimited aerobatics and current military hardware.


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