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Topic: AWE Celebrates European Aviation
The new items published under this topic are as follows.

AWE Celebrates European Aviation

Michelle Bassanesi and Gretchen Jahn, raced together in the Air Race Classic in June as Classic Racer 16 - Team "Dream Catchers" and achieved second place! 

Follow them o­n their Blog and www.facebook.com/michelle.bassanesi


Air Race Classic, Inc. is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to:
Encouraging and educating current and future women pilots
Increasing public awareness of general aviation
Demonstrating women's roles in aviation
Presenting and promoting the tradition of pioneering women in aviation
Published Jan 08, 2013 - 09:19 AM
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AWE Celebrates European Aviation Taking the Next Step: Fearless, Graceful, Together

What an inspiring conference. We networked, we learned, we succeeded. We united vision, purpose and energy in o­ne magnificent location. It was a beautiful experience spending time with outstanding women and men over the few days in Istanbul and we proved that in an extremely short time we can create an inclusive environment for each other.

We wish to thank all present for making it so amazing. We especially wish to thank Sevda Tantan for being such a gracious and attentive hostess, her guidance was key to the success of the event. We also wish to thank our generous sponsors for their support before, during, and after the event: ATU Duty Free, CP Centro Pilota, Turkish Airlines, TAI – Turkish Aerospace Industries, TAV – Istanbul Terminal Operations, and Toshid. Our students, sponsored by TAV, came away with a stronger belief in what they can achieve and motivated to try new things! These young ladies minds were opened to recognize the many opportunities available.

We all discovered what an exciting city is Istanbul! All our senses were engaged, especially taste and sight! We had many unique opportunities available to us, amongst which private tours of Istanbul’s historical buildings, the air force museum, boat tours, and a special visit to the very modern Turkish Airlines Training Facilities. Our Welcome Reception was held in the Starlight Bar giving us a bird’s eye view over Istanbul, and the banquet was held in the Saltanat Restaurant, where the delicious dishes of the Turkish and Ottoman Cuisine were prepared and served fashionably. We thank Tugba Irmak, our official photographer, who was able to capture these special moments o­n film for us to share. (visit the AWE gallery and AWE facebook page).

The Saturday Conference was inspiring and really showed how we can “Take the Next Step: Fearless Graceful and Together.” As the Turkish proverb says “One hand does not clap, two hands do” our speakers together created a very special energy and inspired us to continue to grow and succeed. Thank you to: Burcu, F16 pilot and squadron leader; Feride, TAV manager; Safiye, Turkish Airlines co-pilot candidate; Trish, Boeing flight test navigator; Munevver, Network Manager at Eurocontrol; and Ozge, aerial cameraperson. It takes many to make up the whole, and we were given a glimpse of how vast aviation and aerospace really is and how working together gives the best outcomes. Whether military, commercial, general aviation, traffic control, dispatcher, engineer, artist or more … this diversity is what makes aviation special and rewarding.

Souvenir Program    Turkish Women in Aviation History Video  UTED (Turkish Technic's magazine) Aviation For Women Magazine

As o­ne participant put it ‘The Future is in the Skies’ and ‘The affect of what we do is felt by many.’

We look forward to returning to Istanbul.

Teşekkürler Ederim Istanbul!

Published Nov 02, 2012 - 05:26 PM

AWE Celebrates European Aviation Friday, April 30, 2010

Women in Corporate Aviation Link Up at EBACE

Women in Corporate Aviation's (WCA) international members are exhibiting as guests of WAI corporate member Swan Heights at the European Business Aviation Conference and Expo (EBACE) convention in Geneva, Switzerland May 4-6, 2010. Members will be volunteering to share information o­n WCA. In the first collaborative effort, Gulfstream Aerospace and WCA will be co-hosting a breakfast in honor of Women in Aviation in Europe at the Crowne Plaza Hotel o­n May 4, before the opening ceremony. WCA and WAI work hand-in-hand in Europe to bring networking and professional development opportunities to men and women in corporate aviation. During this event WCA is pleased to announce the presentation of a $1,000/CHF 1,200 scholarship. This scholarship is open to a woman or man (non-US based) who is interested in continued pursuit of a career in any job classification in business/corporate aviation.

The group looks forward to continuing its growth in Europe with the next Regional WAI Conference in London, England November 5th-6th, 2010. Brooklands Museum, the home of British Aviation will be the host site of this year's conference. The planned speakers include Captain Suzanna Darcy-Hennemann, record setting 777 Captain with Boeing, Gabriella Somerville, Managing Director ConnectJets, Gretchen Burrett, the recently appointed Group Director, Safety Regulation of the Civil Aviation Authority, Lt. Col Jennifer Crossman, USAF KC-135 pilot and Dominique Brown, Chief Operating Officer, Quick International Courier.

Mike Bannister, ex-Concorde pilot, opens the conference with a brief talk about his experience flying the Concorde, and some participants should have the rare opportunity to fly the Concorde simulator.

Booking via the www.wai.org web site will open shortly.
Posted by Amy Laboda at 10:48 AM
Labels: Aviation and Women in Europe, WCA, Women in Corporate Aviation

Posted o­n Blue Sky: African Aviators to Be
Posted o­n Blue Sky: A Person is a Person Through Another Person
Posted o­n Blue Sky: The Greatest Good You Can Do For Another

Published May 03, 2010 - 09:52 AM
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AWE Celebrates European Aviation Two days dedicated to the women’s side of aviation and space

Under the patronage of Hervé Morin, French Minister of Defence


Centennial of licensed women pilots

The 5th Women Air Show organized by the Paris Air and Space Museum
Published Jan 15, 2010 - 09:38 PM

AWE Celebrates European Aviation

by Kent Misegades, EAA 520919

July 9, 2009— TANNKOSH, Europe’s largest fly-in for sport aviation, takes place this year July 17-19 at the Tannheim airport located at the foot of the Bavarian Alps in the Allgäu region of southern Germany. Hosted for many years by the Tannheim Flight School, owned by the popular brother and sister aerobatic duet of (Red Bill pilot) Matthias and Verena Dolderer, the 2009 event promises to be better than ever.

With a format similar to EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, TANNKOSH ’09 offers more than a dozen pilot forums, nearly 100 vendors and an air show that features the best Europe has to offer, from historic vintage airplanes and warbirds, to homebuilts, unlimited aerobatics and current military hardware.


Published Jul 24, 2009 - 02:29 PM

AWE Celebrates European Aviation Sevda Tantan's story published: page 1 page2
Published Apr 04, 2009 - 07:31 PM

AWE Celebrates European Aviation
On Saturday 6th September - 38 members of the British Disabled Flying Association towed themselves into the record books. They towed a 65 ton DHL Boeing 757 100 meters IN THEIR WHEELCHAIRS!! 

Published Oct 02, 2008 - 11:44 AM

AWE Celebrates European Aviation
Anyone o­n Aeroshell Square at 10:30 a.m. o­n Friday found their way blocked by a sea of pink-shirted women that covered the concrete from the KC-135 Tanker to the Ford Trimotor to the DC-3s. An estimated 1,000 women pilots turned up to be seen and photographed in an effort to set a record as being the largest gathering of women pilots in o­ne place at o­ne time.

"This idea, spawned by EAA consultant Patricia Luebke, has taken off," said Elissa Lines, VP of Development for EAA. "We hope that the sheer number of us gathered here today o­n AeroShell Square will inspire other women and girls to take a chance o­n aviation, or even just to try out flying for fun, or more."

Published Aug 08, 2008 - 08:29 AM
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AWE Celebrates European Aviation A unique world event at Le Mans airport in July 2008 ! . The Pioneers of Aviation Air Showwould be held at Le Mans airport from 9th to 11th or 12th July 2008. It would be an exceptional meeting of unique flying airplane replicas representing the debuts of aviation history. It would be a first event of that type in world where all pioneers of aviation from France, America and rest of world would be honored.

Published Jun 13, 2008 - 04:51 PM
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AWE Celebrates European Aviation


AOG shipping services & the transportation of critical aircraft parts to be major topic of discussion at booth 961.

GENEVA--May 20, 2008-- Sterling Courier, a division of Quick International Courier will sponsor Women in Corporate Aviation (WCA) at EBACE in Geneva, May 20-22.

Published May 23, 2008 - 08:28 PM
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AWE Celebrates European Aviation
The Women in Aviation, International Pioneer Hall of Fame was established in 1992 to honor women who have made significant contributions as record setters, pioneers, or innovators. Special consideration is given to individuals or groups who have helped other women be successful in aviation or opened doors of opportunity for other women.

Published Apr 01, 2008 - 09:36 PM
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AWE Celebrates European Aviation
Back in the year 2000 when I joined Women in Aviation I was extremely excited to have found this organisation and likeminded people. In fact it was an engineer (my mentor) that actually recommended me joining WIA and gave me my first couple of years membership as a present.

Published Dec 11, 2007 - 05:39 PM
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AWE Celebrates European Aviation

Timm PREUSSER, Master CFI         
( Renew:  1Dec07 )
Kleinwallstadt  Germany

Timm Preusser recently earned his Master CFI accreditation for the 5th time.  Timm is a board member, chief CFI, and training officer at the Darmstadt Flying Club.  He also serves o­n the Cirrus Owners & Pilots Association (COPA) board of directors and is a Cirrus standardized instructor.

Published Dec 07, 2007 - 08:28 PM
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AWE Celebrates European Aviation
The VOLANDIA museum
- The Preview opening o­n 24th November 2007

The objective of the Museum of Aeronautics Foundation is to create VOLANDIA the largest italian park and museum dedicated to aeronautics.
The project will be carried out in the former "Caproni Workhouses" in Vizzolo Ticino, the historic industrial site of o­ne of the most renowned aeronautics company in the Varese area.
Published Nov 26, 2007 - 08:23 AM
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AWE Celebrates European Aviation
The Conference
"From Amelia Earhart to today. New job opportunities for women in the Italian Airforce"
was held o­n the 13th March 2007 at the "Casa dell'Aviatore" of the Italian Airforce in Rome
by Zonta International - Advancing the Status of Women Worldwide
to celebrate AMELIA EARHART DAY 2007.

Published Mar 15, 2007 - 12:28 PM
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AWE Celebrates European Aviation
In the 1920s, Lady Mary Heath, originally Sophie Peirce from Knockaderry, Co Limerick, was o­ne of the best known women in Britain and the USA.

Published Mar 02, 2007 - 12:30 PM
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AWE Celebrates European Aviation
The 47th International
Paris Air Show will take place from Monday 18th June to Sunday 24th June 2007 inclusive.

Published Feb 27, 2007 - 12:00 AM
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AWE Celebrates European Aviation
In the January/February 2007 Aviation for Women, International issue o­n page 64 under the section "In Our Own Words" we can read Gill Van den Broeck's description of her New Year's Gift.

Published Jan 12, 2007 - 07:19 PM

AWE Celebrates European Aviation

This Summer, the London site of the RAF Museum celebrated the 70th Anniversary of the first Spitfire, as unveiled to the public at RAF Hendon in 1936. Activities included special tours, presentations, temporary exhibitions and childrens competitions The centrepiece was an outdoor living museum display held over the weekend of 16th - 17th September 2006.

Published Oct 30, 2006 - 12:00 AM
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AWE Celebrates European Aviation Many young women are evaluating potential careers in aviation and aerospace. They are trying to determine if opportunities truly exist for them. We need to help them evaluate the realities.

This fact-finding mission is to determine the female statistics of aviation professionals in Europe as well as in each country. Please take a few minutes to answer these important questions.
Published Aug 23, 2006 - 11:25 AM
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AWE Celebrates European Aviation

Please help us give public recognition to the European Men and Women in Aviation who have paved the way for us. Research your country's aviation accomplishments and send to mash@centropilota.it.

After verifying accuracy and given permission your research will be published o­n
www.aweu.org. (photos and articles must be labeled)

Published Jun 14, 2006 - 11:15 AM
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AWE Celebrates European Aviation Many people think of aviation as composed almost entirely of pilots. They overlook the great non-flying group of workers who are necessary to build the planes and keep them running.

Too often little attention is paid to individual talent. Instead, education goes o­n dividing people according to their sex, and putting them in little femminine or masculine pigeonholes.

Knowledge is the first step towards progress. Please help me in compiling this list, our way of saying thankyou, by giving public recognition, to these ladies who have paved the way.
Published May 22, 2006 - 12:05 PM
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