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AWEsome Photo and Video Gallery

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Highlight for Album: Secondo Mona SpA - One of the Tours available
Secondo Mona SpA - One of the Tours available
Since 1903 ... technology with care. Reserve your seat for this unique opportunity to tour the Secondo Mona Systems plant Friday 15th September afternoon.

Last changed on 08/21/2008. This album contains 5 items.
This album has been viewed 2736 times since 03/21/2006.
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Highlight for Album: AgustaWestland Inc - One of the Tours available
AgustaWestland Inc - One of the Tours available
Heading for Continuous Success. AgustaWestland, the Anglo-Italian helicopter company, is more than just a helicopter manufacturer, it is a provider of total rotorcraft capability solutions. Reserve your seat for this unique opportunity to tour the AgustaWestland and Museum Friday 15th September afternoon.

Last changed on 08/21/2008. This album contains 16 items.
This album has been viewed 5342 times since 04/11/2006.
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Highlight for Album: AWE represented in Malaysia by Sevda Tantan
AWE represented in Malaysia by Sevda Tantan
IFALDA/EUFALDA General Meeting and World Airline Flight Dispatcher's Conference was held in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. It was a fascinating meeting. Malaysian colleagues were very friendly and we thank them for their hospitality. This meeting was really important for us because many Asian Airlines such as Malaysia Airlines (our hosts), Air China, China Hainan Airlines and China Southern joined us. Hope you enjoy the photos. Sevda

Last changed on 08/21/2008. This album contains 6 items.
This album has been viewed 2934 times since 06/01/2006.
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Highlight for Album: News from Belgium (Mission Impossible IV) by Sevda Tantan
News from Belgium (Mission Impossible IV) by Sevda Tantan
23rd – 24th JUNE SABENA FLIGHT ACADEMY OPEN DOOR DAYS Sabena Flight Academy arranged Open Door days last week 23rd and 24th of June. I had a chance to visit 24th of June. SFA training center is based at Brussels National Airport. All training activities formerly performed within the Sabena training organization have been incorporated within SFA, a Flight Training Organization which became a privately owned company after a management buy-out in October 2004. Their services consist of ab-initio pilot training, advanced training (Type rating), cabin crew training and medical services, and devices, a range of single and twin-engine aircraft: Cessna 152/Archer/Arrow/Warrior/Seneca V, Full flight simulators: Boeing 737-200/Boeing 737-Classic/Avro RJ 85/100/Airbus 320/Airbus 330/340, Cockpit procedure trainers: B737-200/B737-Classic/B747-300, Flight Management system trainers: B737-Classic/A320/A330/340, Cabin emergency trainer (narrow and wide body), 40 computers based training (CBT) stations and A series a fully-equipped classrooms Sabena TAT Group www.sabenatechnics.com and WAN (Wallonie Aero training Network) www.wan.be were also part of this event. They’ve approximately 12 female students. I gave some AWE flyers to their Public Relations Manager on duty. If you want to learn more information please look at their web-site: www.sfa.be

Last changed on 08/21/2008. This album contains 7 items.
This album has been viewed 2708 times since 07/11/2006.
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Highlight for Album: 1st -2nd JULY INTERNATIONAL AIRSHOW KOKSIJDE by Sevda Tantan
Belgian Air force (www.mil.be) organized a marvelous air show in Koksijde/Belgium. There is a Belgian Air Force base in Koksijde. Numerous jets as well as display teams from various countries demonstrated the best of their abilities. For me aerobatics is breathtaking!!! Also this year their Sea King helicopters celebrated their 30th anniversary. They were so friendly. I met their Public Relations Manager on duty and informed them about AWE. They have several female pilots. Sounds great! And of course I invited everybody I met to our meeting in Varese!!!!! Here some of the aircrafts and teams who participated: - Belgium: Fouga, Sea King, Alpha Jet, Alouette II and III, Agusta, F-16, C-130, Embraer -Belgium Civil: SV-4 and Yak52 -Netherlands: PC-7, SAR, Spitfire, Harvard, Beaver, F-16 -France: M2000, TB30, Falcon 10, Dauphin -France civil: Vampire, DC-3 -Switzerland: F-5, F-18 -Germany: Tornado -Czechia: Albatros, Saab Gripen, Antanov 26 -UK: Merlin, Hawk, Griffin, AS350, Bell 412 -UK Civil: F-86, T-33, GNAT, Jet Provost, Catalina, -Denmark: MF 17 -Spain: Mirage F-1

Last changed on 08/21/2008. This album contains 8 items.
This album has been viewed 2644 times since 07/11/2006.
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