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AWEsome Photo and Video Gallery

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Highlight for Album: NEW VENUE: Preparing for AWE08 in Sandefjord, Norway
NEW VENUE: Preparing for AWE08 in Sandefjord, Norway
AWE 2008 - 12th - 14th September 2008. The European Section of Women in Aviation, International presents its first ever Norwegian conference, "Building Partnerships Across Boundaries," to be held in beautiful Sandefjord, Norway. This year's conference is shaping up to be the most inspiring yet with an excellent line-up of world class speakers and the networking opportunities you have come to expect. Relax and enjoy spending time with like minded people. Preparations are already underway! Meet you in September.

Last changed on 08/21/2008. This album contains 175 items.
This album has been viewed 27292 times since 08/12/2008.
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Highlight for Album: AWE08 - 4th Aviation and Women in Europe Conference
AWE08 - 4th Aviation and Women in Europe Conference
Building Partnerships Across Boundaries - 4th AWE Aviation and Women in Europe Conference. An Inspiring Success! Sandefjord, Norway. 10 countries present: Britain, Ireland, Sweden, Africa, USA, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Norway, and The Netherlands. Photos by Michelle Bassanesi, Elizabeth Clark, Teresa Favino, Deborah Limb, Marco Tricarico, Lucy Young.

Last changed on 01/16/2011. This album contains 61 items.
This album has been viewed 12144 times since 09/12/2008.
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Highlight for Album: Sevda presents AWE at Anadolu University
Sevda presents AWE at Anadolu University
Sevda presents AWE at Anadolu University

Last changed on 01/16/2011. This album contains 10 items.
This album has been viewed 5272 times since 11/11/2008.
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Highlight for Album: Shoreham Airshow 2009
Shoreham Airshow 2009
Shoreham Airshow 2009 was held at the historic Shoreham Airport on the weekend of the 22nd - 23rd August. This exciting and spectacular event hosted another thrilling programme of jaw dropping air displays and great attractions on the ground for young and old alike. In 2009, Shoreham Airshow celebrated its 20th Anniversary and plans were made for some very special displays! FLYING DISPLAY 11AM - 5PM

Last changed on 01/16/2011. This album contains 75 items.
This album has been viewed 13833 times since 06/25/2009.
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Highlight for Album: AWE09 - 5th Aviation and Women in Europe Conference - Ferrara, Italy
AWE09 - 5th Aviation and Women in Europe Conference - Ferrara, Italy
"Courage to be the Change" An inspiring Success! In the past years, women have brought a lot of change to companies, corporations, international associations and organizations. It is the right time now to declare that women do not only initiate change, they are the change: the change to the authentic, the change to caring and sharing, the change to a new leadership and a feminine way of doing business. This year's Conference provides all women with visions, environment, strategies, skills and of course great network. It will boost inspiration, power and courage to be the change through living and sharing with others their own values and visions. Photos by Marco Tricarico, Tim Kirkwood and Michelle Bassanesi

Last changed on 09/06/2012. This album contains 103 items.
This album has been viewed 24687 times since 09/08/2009.
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Produced by Luca Salvadori