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Highlight for Album: AWE 2011 - 7th Aviation and Women in Europe Conference - Amsterdam NL
AWE 2011 - 7th Aviation and Women in Europe Conference - Amsterdam NL
"Don't Fear to Leap to Achieve Your Dreams" The Aviation and Women in Europe Conference this year, o­n its itinerant path showcasing European involvement in aviation, was held in The Netherlands, home to aviation pioneer and aircraft manufacturer Anthony Fokker (1890-1939) and KLM (1919). Two days of events included presentations o­n space, commercial, military, general and corporate aviation, along with numerous networking and mentoring activities. Eight countries were represented: Australia, Germany, Italy, Russia, South Africa, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and the United States. Photos by Devyn Everett and Michelle Bassanesi.

Last changed on 10/11/2012. This album contains 42 items.
This album has been viewed 8412 times since 10/27/2011.
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Produced by Luca Salvadori