AWE - Aviation and Women in Europe

AWE present at the 60th Anniversary of Aviatrissa in Moscow

Articles / AWE Announcements
Posted by mash on Oct 10, 2005 - 12:00 AM

Michelle Bassanesi was representing AWE at the 60th Anniversary of Aviatrissa in Moscow 8th-12th Sept. 2005.

The celebration, dedicated to russian WWII women pilots, was a unique occasion for all those women who actually managed to do something for their colleagues to meet, and was attended by ladies coming from both sides of the Ocean.

Present besides some of the russian WWII pilots, were a mig pilot, a cosmonaut, airline captains, aerobatics and glider pilots, and the americans Nikki Mitchell, Rhonda Miles "Bridge of Wings" and Trish Beckman. [1]

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